Regional Portrait of Uashat mak Mani-utenam

The Innu community of Sept-Îles is present in two villages: Uashat and Mani-Utenam. The first was granted to the Innu of Sept-Îles in 1906, before being transferred to the federal government in 1925, while the Mani-Utenam reserve was established in 1949. Uashat is located at the western limit of Sept-Îles, 16 km to the east we find the community of Mani-Utenam. Together, these two villages represent the 3,160 members of the Innu community.

Health services are managed by the Band Council under a transfer agreement with Health Canada, while police services are provided by a recognized Aboriginal police force.

A true hunting and fishing paradise, in the heart of the wilderness and its tranquility, the region attracts an increasing number of visitors each year. The change of scenery, combined with the proximity of the native culture, makes the region more and more attractive to travelers interested in history and ancestral wisdom.


Phonetics : Ou-a-shat
“to the bay


Phonetics : Ma-ni-or-te-nam
“Mary’s village”.

Phonetics : Ou-a-shat
“to the bay